Would you like to support the promotion and development of Leonardo's flute?
We would be pleased to welcome you among the promoters of Leonardo's flute. You can become a member of the ARCLV Association by one of the below options:
■ Sympathising member "Da Vinci Fissure Flute"
- annual membership fee of Frs 50 (50 euros)
Supporting members are notified of the developments of the "Da Vinci fissure Flute" project: videos, trainings, conferences and concerts organized; new models of instruments on sale. They can become partners in the organization of events in their country.
Members purchasing a Da Vinci fissure flute join the "Circle of Fissure Flute Players" (and will be invited to participate in local and international activities promoting the instrument).
They benefit from a reduced rate at concerts and can attend the General Assemblies without voting rights.
■ Supporting member of the ARCLV
- annual membership fee of Frs 100.- (100 Euro)
Regular members are invited to the General Assemblies and have the right to vote. They are informed of the activities organized and benefit from:
- free access to all events,
- discounts for trainings (50% discount for dance seminars; 20% discount for fissure flute and renaissance music trainings)
- discounts on the "Da Vinci fissure flute" musical editions.
- possible participation in the General Assemblies on Zoom
We look forward to sharing this exciting adventure with you !

Madeleine Holm, Anne Kirchmeier Casularo